About Me
“…todas as coisas deste mundo estão entre si ligadas, e nós a julgarmos que cortamos ou atamos quando queremos, por nossa única vontade, esse é o maior dos erros, e tantas lições nos têm sido dadas em contrário, um risco no chão, um bando de estorninhos, uma pedra atirada ao mar, um pé-de-meia de lã azul, se a cegos mostramos, se a gente endurecida e surda pregoamos.” José Saramago
“…all things in this world are linked together, and here we are thinking we have the power to separate or join them at will, how sadly mistaken we are, having been proved wrong time and time again, a line traced on the ground, a flock of starlings, a stone thrown into the sea, a blue woolen sock, but we are showing them to the blind, preaching to the deaf with hearts of stone.”
My name is Kyle Hearn and I live in northern Spain. I am passionate about the preservation of cultural heritage, both tangible and intangible. I have travelled extensively throughout the numerous lands and cultures that make up the Spanish and Portuguese Speaking world in the Americas and in Africa. With my residence now in Europe, my focus now turns to the cultural mosaic that makes up the Iberian Peninsula. My project, Sketches of Iberia, uses two of my loves, field recording and photography, to capture this fascinating peninsula of diversity.
The Name
The name of this site is derived from Miles Davis’ mesmerizing album Sketches of Spain. Listening to Miles Davis’ album, one can hear two cultures melding perfectly, respecting, and ultimately complementing the other.